Welcome to the

School of Education and Professional Studies
Professional Experience Office placement site

Sonia Online

The Sonia student placement system provides Preservice Teachers, University Liaisons and Schools electronic access to:


·                       view important documentation regarding professional experience placements

·                       view school placement, site details and history

·                       complete online placement forms and reports

·                       check personal details including mandatory checks

·                       upload documents


Contacts for Preservice Teachers


Email: PST@griffith.edu.au

Email: educationconnect@griffith.edu.au

Email: studentconnect@griffith.edu.au


Contacts for School Coordinators and Supervising Teachers



Email: PEO@griffith.edu.au

Payment Email: PEO-payments@griffith.edu.au

Primary Schools: (07) 5552 7323 / (07) 3735 5977

Secondary Schools: (07) 3735 5665 / (07) 5552 9784


General Information: https://www.griffith.edu.au/arts-education-law/school-education-professional-studies/professional-experience-placements

Please continue to check Learning@Griffith for announcements and additional information related to Professional Experience.

Blue Card / Working with Children Check
Preservice Teachers must hold a current Working with Children Check (Blue Card) or equivalent in the state you reside, before commencing a professional experience placement.
No valid Blue Card or WWCC = No Professional Experience 
Requirements for States other than QLD - Please check that you meet your own state requirements.

PEx School Location
Due to limited availability of placements, students may expect to travel up to one and a half hours (1.5 hours) to and from a professional experience placement, regardless of transport arrangements.

Social Media
Students MUST evaluate current and past social media activity and set access to private or close unused applications prior to placement. Be aware that this may be checked and placement withdrawn if any content is not in accordance with QCT publication - Professional Boundaries: A Guideline for Queensland Teachers.