Welcome to Sonia Online for the Allied Health Clinic

If you experience any difficulties with or have any questions about Sonia Online, please contact the Clinical Privileging team via email: privileging@griffith.edu.au.

It is a requirement that ALL mandatory checks be completed and kept current. To login, see information below.

Options Instructions Screenshot

ALL Practitioners with an assigned Griffith University ID Number (s Number)

  1. Select "Supervisor" from the Role drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the University Sign In button, directly to the right of the drop down menu.

Practitioners with no Griffith University ID (e.g., external practitioners, independent contractors, visitors, etc.)

  1. Select "Supervisor" from the Role drop-down menu.
  2. Enter your username and password into the relevant boxes.
  3. Click on the Sign In button, directly to the right of the password box.