Welcome to SONIA for the Dental Clinic (Dental Assistants).
It is a requirement for all mandatory checks to be completed and kept up to date.
To log on, please choose the role "Supervisor" from the drop-down list. Click 'University Sign In' in the top left corner. If the Single Sign On window displays, enter your University Username (eg s1234567) and Password and login.
Please see Learning@Griffith > Griffith Health Clinics > Staff Onboarding for all relevant clinic-specific forms(https://bblearn.griffith.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/content/listContentEditable.jsp?content_id=_3006912_1&course_id=_51741_1)
An overview of all Griffith University training can be found via Sharepoint: https://teams.griffith.edu.au/sites/sot/default.aspx
If you experience any difficulties, or have any questions about SONIA, please contact the Executive Support Officer:
Email: esohealthclinics@griffith.edu.au